Ibn Al Hytham Islamic School had been over the years striving to impart value-based quality education in an Islamic atmosphere. Scientific and technological advancements have caused lots of changes in the society at a rapid pace. These changes pose new challenges which the young generation has to be prepared well to face them confidently. Without religious education and building ethical personality, the young generation will be prone to evils and diseases that have propped up as negative side effects of modernity and materialistic ideology.
The school established in 1989 to serve specially the children who come from less-privileged back ground. Despite very low fee and shortage of resources, the management was determined to provide healthy, spacious and peaceful campus where the students can learn and get education in safe and secure seat of learning. The new campus has all the facilities and necessary infrastructures to deliver quality education.
We at IHIS are determined to work for further growth of the school in future and bringing all the new technologies and teaching aids in order to create more space to accommodate admission seekers and make the teaching and learning experience interesting for both teachers and students. The parents of students deserve special thanks and appreciations for their continuous support and understanding.
We never can forget the Government of Bahrain and its Ministry of Education’s immeasurable support to our school in particular and to all Indian community in general. We express our heart-felt gratitude to the leadership of the country.
Shakil Ahmed Azmi
Administrative Committee