Regular: Students are required to attend the school in the following school uniform.
- Boys: Deep blue short (up to Class II) or trousers, blue & white check design shirt and blue and sky blue striped tie.
- Girls: Blue and white check design shirt with full sleeves and deep blue tunic, tie & belt (up to Class II)
- Class III onwards: Blue and white check design shirt with full sleeves deep blue pinafore and white shalwar.
Note: Muslim girls of Class IV onwards must cover their heads with white scarves.
SHOES : BOYS/GIRLS: Black shoes and blue socks.
SWEATERS : Only Dark grey Sweater can be used during winter season.

PT. Uniform: To be worn on Mass P.T. Days:
- Boys: Plain white short 4” above knees (up to class II) white trousers and white T-Shirt.
- Girls: White qameez and white shalwar.
- Small girls (upto class II): White skirt with box pleats knee length) and white T-shirt.
- P.T. School (Boys & Girls): Plain white sports shoes and white socks fancy shoes are not allowed.
(No dress other than the above is permitted)